As the year winds down, it's easy to fall into the habit of setting big, sweeping New Year's resolutions. Promises like "eat healthier," and “get in shape” sound great in the moment, but they often fizzle out as quickly as the New Year’s Eve fireworks.
Fun Fact. I hate fireworks. So, why wait until The 1st to make changes? Instead, try embracing Right Now Resolutions. RNRs Traditional resolutions often set us up for disappointment. They’re usually tied to the false idea that the calendar has some magical power to inspire change and are too ambitious and too vague. The truth? By mid-January, 92% of resolutions are abandoned because they’re not realistic or sustainable. Seriously, 92%. I wrote a blog on it last year, here's the link along with the grammar/spelling errors that come free. These goals can feel overwhelming. What we really need is flexibility and self-compassion— not all-or-nothing, rigid commitments. I’ve been there myself. I would vow to hit the gym every day. Then throw in a few sleepiness nights, usually the ones where I lay there panicking about everything I need to get done the next day... I couldn’t stick to my plan, and I felt like a failure. Then I hit what I call the 'Fuck It Wall.' Where I give up. I hadn’t accounted for how much the negative train collected more negative passengers and how it was affecting my body and mind. That frustration pushed me to rethink my approach, and I came up with Right Now Resolutions. RNRs are manageable, small steps I could start immediately, no waiting for a specific date. These little empowering steps help me feel like the EmpowHERed Woman I wanna be. Time for YOU to cue the 2000's Club Bangers or whatever your soundtrack you need and start taking your own empowering steps to help you feel like the Bad Ass YOU Are. RNRs focus on what you can do RIGHT NOW. They’re not about chasing some ideal future version of yourself—they’re about meeting yourself where you are right now. This approach is especially helpful where every day can bring a new challenge. Let’s be honest: some days feel like survival mode. NOT Thrivival Mode. OK OK I made up Thirvival but this is my blog and it makes me happy. Big plans don’t always mesh with the reality of the fluctuation of life. That’s where RNRs come in—they’re designed to fit your life as it it, flexible, and realistic. At least more realistic than my made up words. So what's your 1ST RNR? Mine is to go for a walk and leave today's negative energy in the gutter. Tomorrow I'll decide when I wake up.
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AuthorAjia Clancy coaches YOU to self empowerment while helping you navigate life towards your health & wellness goals. Archives
February 2025