Happy National Stress Awareness Month!
Everyone experiences stress. Matt & I like to experience stress and we love to celebrate everything.. so we kicked off the month with not one, but two, of our (dog,) children being rushed to an animal emergency. (All good now!) We’re all or nothing. We, well, I, am the walking definition of stress; a state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation. Then there are generally four different stress responses; fight, flight, freeze or fawn. I’m freeze. WebMD’s What Does Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn Mean? By Martin Taylor explains each in detail. With a variety of choices of coping mechanisms; some good and some, uhh opportunities for improvement, I have a few different ways you could try to pull yourself out of that stressful state of mind. 1. Manage, No, PROTECT Your energy. .. are you tired of hearing me write about energy? Family, dogs, vet bills, friends, work etc. all requiring your simultaneous energy can make it difficult to function let alone thrive. Prioritize what requires your immediate energy and take what you can and set it aside. Good friends will understand if you need space. Quality clients, or a good leader, (Not boss,) leader, will want the best version of you and will understand if you need to reschedule or delegate. 2. Manage, No, CREATE Space to reduce distractions. Buzz. Distractions? Ring. What are those? Every distraction that steals your energy costs you twice as much time to refocus. Minimize them. Do Not Disturb. Create space by scheduling specific focused work time. That’s what I’m currently doing as I write this. I’ve got my ear buds playing (Re) Discover The 2000s: Hip-Hop and I’m typing away ignoring my grammar errors since I save those for my son and husband, and poor friend Laura to find for me before presenting to you. 3. Find ways to destress When you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed, you need to have an activity that helps clear your mind. There is no magical answer other than, find something you actually enjoy doing. Don’t do hot yoga because your girlfriend is telling you to do it to relieve stress when you know you hate it and would rather jump out the window. Make a list of things you enjoy doing and will look forward to doing.. Here’s my list:
As always, if you need help empowering yourself just DM Me. Happy to help.
AuthorAjia Clancy coaches YOU to self empowerment while helping you navigate life towards your health & wellness goals. Archives
January 2025