Ahh… Mud is in the air. Well, for dog & horse owners. For normal people, spring is in the air. As the winter season changes to the spring season, we are gifted the opportunity for new beginnings, new routines, and optimistically even more time outside. As we begin spring cleaning here are a couple of tried and true exercises that volunteer as tribute to be swapped out. Plank Challenges There is nothing more cringy than a plank challenge. One of my colleagues said it best, “If someone challenges you to hold a plank for minutes, say ‘No!’” and then run away. It’ll be good for your step goals. Alternating Elbow Single Leg Plank Instructions: 1. Raise your body off the floor on your elbows, resting on your toes. 2. Raise one leg straight up off the floor, keeping your body in a straight line and your back neutral/flat. 3. Hold briefly, then lower back your leg to the floor returning to starting position. 4. Raise the opposite leg. Alternate sides with each rep. Seated Back Row The Seated back row is one of the most effective back exercises, however, anytime you perform an exercise seated that could be performed standing, you miss the opportunity to train the core and hip muscles. By switching to a Single-arm Standing Back Row, you ask the spinal stabilizers of your core and your hips to work harder to keep your body stable as you pull the weight towards you. Single-arm Standing Back Row 1. Stand holding the handle in one hand with your arm straight out in front, your palm facing in and your back flat. 2. Pull the handle straight in to your chest. 3. Return to starting position. Remain upright throughout and do not sway back and forth or twist your wrist. 4. Complete all reps on one side before switching to the other side. The Bench Press The bench, or floor, depending on what equipment you have access to, can limit the motion of the shoulder joints. Switching to the Cable, (or band,) Press, standing or kneeling, engages the abdominal aspect of your core to stabilize your spine while pressing the weight. Cable, (Band) Press Instructions: 1. Kneel on one knee, or stand, facing away from a cable system, or anchor point, holding the rope, or band, in the hand on the same side, elbow bent. 2. Press forward, arm straight. 3. Bend at the elbows returning to starting position. 4. Complete all reps on one side before switching to the other side. The Lunge I love a good lunge, but let’s talk about the Bulgarian Split Squat. I know some of my clients are shuddering as they read this.. BUT The Bulgarian Split Squat demands more of each, individual leg because more of your body weight is balanced on one leg. This in turn asks more of .. you guessed it - your core! Bulgarian Split SquatInstructions: 1. When performing this exercise, ensure that your knee, feet, and hip are in line. 2. With your feet hip-width apart, place the instep of your rear foot on a bench. Your feet should be approximately three feet apart. 3. Lower your hips toward the floor so that your rear knee comes close to the floor. 4. Pause and drive through your front heel to return to the starting position. 5. Repeat and then switch sides. The Shoulder Press By simply switching to a Single Arm Overhead Press we are once again asking more of not only our core, but our hips to drive the movement upwards. Single Arm Overhead Press Instructions:
1. Stand upright holding a dumbbell on one hand at shoulder height, fist away from you. 2. Press the dumbbell overhead, fully extending your arm. 3. Keep your back flat and remain upright throughout. 4. Complete all reps on one side before switching to the other side. Try incorporating some of these into your next workout, your body will thank you. As always, any questions just DM Me. Happy to help.
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AuthorAjia Clancy coaches YOU to self empowerment while helping you navigate life towards your health & wellness goals. Archives
February 2025